Marilyn Finke


Ministry: The Finke Outreach Ministries
Focus: Reaching/Mentoring /Training /Sending Pastors,Teachers,Families

About Marilyn

In 1963 Bob and I were called to Mexico as missionaries to work with Daniel Ost in The Missionary Revival Crusade. For the next 7 years we were pioneering in rural areas were the gospel had never been preached. What a life -forming experience!

Then in 1971 God moved us to Colombia, South America where the ministry multiplied. It grew from church plants, radio programs, bible correspondence courses, evangelism from rural areas into metropolitan cities through -out Colombia.

Furthermore, God expanded the ministry through Planting of large Strategic churches in densely populated cities where people desperately need the Lord
• Equipping pastors, leaders, youth & children ministries in the fivefold ministries,

• Established 4 schools to disciple the new generations for the Lord.

On November 11, 2015 Bob went home to be with the Lord but the
Finke Outreach Ministries continue at the national and International level.

I continue the ministry in Colombia, as I network by traveling, speaking, mentoring and equipping leaders. I feel a profound urgency for rescuing the generations for the kingdom of God.


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Marilyn Finke
Master's Resourcing Commission
Serving in Colombia